Simple Exercises That May Reduce Back Pain

Specific back pain workouts can help alleviate painful symptoms and can be a great addition to the treatments you are currently trying. When you do some of these back pain exercises, you will see the difference they make in relieving some of the pain, but if the pain persists you should get help from your doctor. This will keep your back stretchy and elastic; insuring a much brighter future less likely to be littered with pain.

A lot of people haven’t heard of Pilates; however, it is an alternative exercise method that many people use and acclaim. The focus of Pilates is to build up your core strength (abdominal and back muscles) and stretch your muscles. This, of course, leads to a healthier spine. Pilates Centers are convenient if you want to use Pilates equipment, like a barrel, to do your Pilates exercises. This isn’t mandatory, though, as you can do many Pilates exercises on a Pilates mat in your own home. With Pilates, you begin at the level that matches your overall fitness. Over time, you will build your endurance and strength by using these gentle exercises. You can use Pilates videos to begin doing Pilates exercises or, if one is available, you can go to a local Pilates Center to workout. Not only will Pilates augment your level of fitness, it can help relieve and prevent back pain.

Strength training is very important for the health of your back. People that have already injured their back need to use lighter weights in order to promote recovery. Using heavier weights can actually cause your back injuries to get worse.

Seated exercises using machines are usually safe, though you should avoid leg press and leg extension machines, as well as any machines that make you rotate your hips. It’s important to strengthen the abdominal muscles, as this also makes your spine stronger. To avoid stressing your back further, you should do abdominal exercises that are different from crutches or situps.

You can also start improving the strength and flexibility of your spine by doing some simple exercises at home. Knee lifts are great for your back. To do them, you would lie down and bring your right knee towards your chest, stretching out your lower back. Repeat with the other knee. Waist twists can also be very advantageous for relieving back pain. Place your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly. With your arms at your sides, twist from your waist – first to the left and then to the right. Standing hip rolls are another gentle stretch that helps your back. Gently roll your hips in a circular pattern, first ten times clockwise and then ten times counter-clockwise. This will gently stretch your hips and lower back.

A healthy back is what we all want to have! By doing the exercises and following the recommendations in this article, a healthy pain-free back can be yours. Our bodies need regular activity, and this includes your spine. Just keep in mind that if you already have a back injury, go easy on the exercises so that you can gradually see improvements.